On the left column you see the source text with markup, and on the right column, the output once saved.


Title bar

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-=A titlebar=-


A titlebar
Headings from level 1 to n
Copy to clipboard
!h1 heading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.


h1 heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.
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!!h2 heading Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.


h2 heading

Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.
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!!!h3 heading Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.


h3 heading

Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.
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!!!!h4 heading Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


h4 heading

Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Autonumbering in headings
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!!# Introduction Bla bla... !!# Methodology Bla bla... !!!# Laboratory work Bla bla... !!!# Statistical analyses Bla bla... !!# Results Bla bla... !!# Discussion Bla bla...


1.1. Introduction

Bla bla...

1.2. Methodology

Bla bla...

1.2.1. Laboratory work

Bla bla...

1.2.2. Statistical analyses

Bla bla...

1.3. Results

Bla bla...

1.4. Discussion

Bla bla...
Unordered list
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*An __unordered__ list item **A subitem And some text *Another item . . . and more text . . . *Item 3 . . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.

  • An unordered list item
    • A subitem
And some text
  • Another item
. . . and more text . . .
  • Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.
Ordered list
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#An __ordered__ list item ##A subitem + And some text not breaking the numbering #Another item and more text (breaking the correlative numbering) #Item 3 . . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.

  1. An ordered list item
    1. A subitem

    And some text not breaking the numbering
  2. Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
  1. Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.
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A table: ||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||

A table:
Row One, Column OneRow One, Column Two
Row Two, Column OneRow Two, Column Two
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^A box^

A box
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An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]

An external link
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An ((HomePage|internal link))

An internal link
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{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }

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Quote plugin: {QUOTE()} Just what do you think you're doing, Dave? --HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) {QUOTE}

Quote plugin:

Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?

--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

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Code plugin: {CODE(wrap=>1)} {Hello World in Pascal} program HelloWorld(output); begin WriteLn('Hello World!'); end. {CODE}
-   - Code plugin:
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{Hello World in Pascal} program HelloWorld(output); begin WriteLn('Hello World!'); end.
PLUGINS: Fancytable
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FANCYTABLE plugin: {FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}

head one head two head three
cell one cell two cell three
r2 c1 r2 c2 r3 c2